22 November 2006
Mudasser ‘Pre-Nikah and Arrival Lahore’ Dinner
ALLAH bless me with great brother friend Mudasser, and today was big day as both families, mine and Mudasser will spend time and dinner together at my home in Lahore. All day we was excited and waiting for Mudasser family coming from Mianwali (Punjab). Here are the highlights….
• Mudasser family is MASHALLAH (ALLAH BLESS) is big happy educated charismatic family; the eldest brother is colonel in Pakistan Army. He told shocking news and perceptions going on in Bolochistan province. The problem is on provincial level people are in paradigm of ignorance. No doubt many years the province not got development like other provinces. Now they are in hate circle especially with Punjab.
This is problem all over the World, Tibet in China, USA, India, you name country you will found racism and helotism in some place …. in some corner!
What can be supposed; Governments also run by humans, we have popular quote, ‘human no doubt is also clown of mistakes’ how much you try to have justice, still something left, in some place … in some corner!
Today I got shock news on television; Babera the daughter of Bush (President USA), was in restaurant with her sister when her mobile and purse got stolen. Now get ready for second shock; the intelligence there also has no clue.
My question for USA intelligence; are ‘president united states america’ daughters are safe?
Then what USA Intelligence network is doing? I was laugh to read in news paper, the US FBI was going to charge one 12 years girl for suspect of threatening president bush for murder. The newspaper told; the girl actually wrote the blog that she hate Bush so much, that she will kill him. Anyhow after number of questioning she convinced FBI that there is no intension like that, and she doesn’t think to do that.
Many times I amaze; in China, Pakistan many countries sensitive areas are very much secure, any movement up/down get track in seconds, but that’s shock to see attack on ‘Pentagon’ on 9/11. So the second question; is Americans themselves are safe in their country?
• Anyway back to highlights. The dinner was so good that I done over diet. While eating fish I remember the joke, I got by sms related to ‘fish’ on which everyone agreed and laughed.
Thought of the day: A baby fish asked her mother “why can’t we live on earth?” Mother fish said: “Earth is not made for fish it’s made for selfish.”
Anyway, all the fish was really tasty, admire by all selfishes hahahaha
• The best part was when watching DVD’s for our beautiful memories in Melbourne with Mudasser. Colonel brother really admired my coverage by movie camera, “now by this coverage and your background voice, really looks like good documentary, the desire for visiting Australia is getting less by watching, really.” That’s good complement and motivation for me, as I am capturing family memories from about 10 years, big library now I have.
• Then we discuss the tomorrow marriage plan and finalized few more things. I think the marriage ceremony is harder for groom comparing to bride, as girls wait more for this moment. It’s well said;
Why women get excited for marriage; because on that day only, every woman get feeling and demand of photographers as miss world! Hahaha
• At the end, discussion with my mom; I told her, its 2nd one from my college group friends who got married, my mom instantly without losing any second replied "INSHALLAH (ON ALLAH WILL) you will be third!" Ahhhhh seems single bachelor life really going to finish. As there is saying in Urdu:
‘How far lamb can cherish life; one day will be eaten sure’
‘In some place….in some corner….something always left; thats life!’